Independence Day is a celebration for all Americans, but for some it has special significance. It's a traditional day for holding naturalisation ceremonies, welcoming new citizens to the U.S.A.
A total of 878,500 people obtained U.S. citizenship through naturalisation in 2023. Ceremonies take place all year round, but a lot take place in honour of July Fourth. In 2024, 11,000 new citizens will be honoured in more than 195 naturalisation ceremonies between for Independence Day.

One of the most symbolic is held every year at Monticello, the family estate of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson near Charlottesville, Virginia, now a National Historic Landmark and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Every year, around 70 new citizens take the Pledge of Allegiance at the home of the man who helped write the Declaration of Independence. They also listen to an address by well-known speaker. This year it is Misty Copeland, dancer and philanthropist, who was the first African-American named principal dancer at American Ballet Theater. The video below shows some of the past speakers.
According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 32% of all naturalizations last year concerned people from five countries. Mexico led the field with 12.7% of all naturalizations, followed by India (6.7%), the Philippines (5.1%), the Dominican Republic (4.0%), and Cuba (3.8%).
Take the Test!
To become a naturalised citizen, candidates must have lived legally in the States for five years, and be "of good character". They take tests to show they can communicate in English and also a civics test on American culture. You can do online practice tests and they're a great English-learning activity. They're not particularly difficult: 20 multiple-choice questions like, "Why are there 50 stars on the national flag?" Pupils can do them alone — they're auto-corrective and there's an explanation of the correct answer if pupils don't know. Or do it as a class activity with pupils using flashcards to vote A, B, C or D for each question. From A2 as a class activity or B1 alone.

Copyright(s) :
NPS/Dani Beekman
Jefferson’s Monticello
NPS/Dani Beekman
Tag(s) : "citizenship" "Declaration of Independence" "Independence Day" "Jefferson" "July" "July 4" "naturalisation" "Pledge of Allegiance" "U.S. history" "U.S. traditions"