a woman's face and text: festival du film canadien Dieppe 24 à 27 mars

Canadian Film Festival in Dieppe

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 22 March 2022 > What's On

Dieppe will be celebrating Canadian films, in English and French, from 24 to 27 March.

Dieppe has long association with Canada and is commemorating this year the 80th anniversary of the doomed raid on Dieppe by the Canadian Army in August 1942, trying to relieve the town and attack the German Army, which held northern France. There were almost 5000 Canadian casualties in the failed raid, and they will be being remembered throughout 2022.

It’s the 9th edition of the festival, which, like many other events, was limited by Covid restrictions the last two years. All the more reason to go along this year to enjoy five films in the jury competition and three in the public competition, each paired with a short film on a similar theme.

The films depict the multi-faceted Canadian experience today, from traditional shooting and fishing to First Nations lives, modern families to young people searching for their identity.

This lovely stop-motion animation short, Angakusajaujuq - The Shaman's Apprentice, tells the story of a young Inuit woman's initiation rites to become a shaman.