Collective Storywriting: Well Done!

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 03 June 2021 > Pedagogy

As part of the Semaine des langues 2021, schools in the Académie de Nice took part in a collaborative writing project, Histoires communes in English, German, Italian and Spanish. Stories written collectively, often remotely, and across languages and/or across borders.

There were three challenges: « Il était une fois dans la forêt… »,  « Mon avenir entre projet et rêve » and « Flash Fictions ». Writing the stories involved teachers working together, within one collège or lycée or several, and in some cases including partner schools in Germany or Spain. Ten of the stories were awarded prizes. You can see them here.

The first and third challenges resulted in wonderfully imaginative stories. Challenge 2 was more practical. If your pupils are wondering about their choices of specialities and future studies and jobs, you might want to send them to the Padlet created by students from lycée Beaussier and collège Paul Eluard in la Seyne-sur-mer, entitled by How to achieve your dreams with languages. And ahead of time for a Halloween project next school year, check out the scary stories written by 4e classes at collège Jean Moulin, Brignoles.