The People's Portrait is in fact two portraits of Queen Elizabeth II made up of a collage of images sent in by the general public. People were asked to send in a photo and short description or anecdote. We have an A1+-level Ready-to-Use Resource about the portraits for you to introduce the topic to your classes and help them participate in a writing competition.
You can download the resource here.
We would like pupils to draw/create a picture of a person and write a short accompanying text (50 words approximately). There are examples of texts in the resource. The person pictured can be the pupil themself, someone they know, or a famous person.
We will choose our ten favourite images and texts, and publish them on Speakeasy News.
This competition is open to pupils at A1-A1+ level. Entries can be individual or group efforts. The texts (50 words approximately) must be in English.
If you are having a whole class or classes participate, it would be very helpful if you could send the entries collected by class, by post or e-mail.
Each entry should have the pupil/pupils' name(s), age and class level, teacher's name and school address.
The images and text need to be the pupils' own work in order to be published.
Entries must reach us by Monday 12 November 2018.
Send entries to:
Speakeasy News Portrait Competition
25 av. Pierre de Coubertin
75211 Paris Cedex 13
or by e-mail to:
(If you send an e-mail, please send .doc, .docx or .pdf documents ONLY.)
Copyright(s) :
Helen Marshall/The People's Portrait
Tag(s) : "art" "British culture" "competition" "creative writing" "personal history" "portrait" "Queen" "Queen Elizabeth II" "Royal Family"