Resources on Positive Education

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 07 April 2017 > Pedagogy

If you are interested in Positive Education, these sites and videos will tell you more, and provide an introduction to character strengths for your pupils.

ScholaVie trains teachers and parents in Positive Education in France. Read our interview with Laure Reynaud from Scholavie. Laure Reynaud et Vanessa Clamy Sebag will talk about Postive Education during the English-teachers' Afternoons organised by Nathan in April and May.

The International Positive Education Network invites you to sign its manifesto. This video gives a very brief introduction to Positive Education and the role it can have on a student’s wellbeing. It also delves into what specific techniques are applied from positive psychology. It includes a short clip of Martin Seligman, the "father" of positive psychology.

This 8-min video shows the practical application of using the concept of character strengths in a U.S. primary school. This 4th grade class of 9-year-olds mentors 7th graders (aged 12) in character strengths, using their motto: Learn it. Do it. Teach it. Know it.

This simple film produced for Hong Kong's Character Day would be a good introduction to a lesson on character strengths. There are subtitles, so it's not straight listening comprehension, but a good means introduce the topic and some of the vocabulary, from A2.