Colin in Black and White is a new Netflix mini-series directed by Ava Duvernay. It’s ostensibly the story of Kaepernick’s high- school years, before he became an NFL Star and started his “take a knee” protests. In fact it’s a sort of manifesto with the older Kaepernick using his younger self to illustrate how he … Continue reading “Colin Kaepernick: Birth of an Activist”
England’s football players have been taking the knee at Euro 2020 to protest against racism but one in particular has been standing up for Britain’s poorest children. Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford has been campaigning for the astonishing 20% of English* children who qualify for free school meals, one of the indicators of poverty in … Continue reading “Marcus Rashford: Football Against Food Poverty”
A quick rundown on Euro 2020 in six essential questions. When? 11 June to 11 July 2021. Where? In 11 cities around Europe: Amsterdam (Netherlands), Baku (Azerbaijan), Bilbao (Spain), Bucharest (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), Copenhagen (Denmark), Glasgow (Scotland), London (England), Munich (Germany), Rome (Italy), Saint Petersburg (Russia). The semi-finals and final will be at Wembley Stadium in … Continue reading “Euro 2020 in Six Questions”
NFL American football star Colin Kaepernick brought attention to Black Lives Matter’s protests about police brutality towards African Americans with his silent protests, kneeling instead of standing when “The Star-Spangled Banner” played before NFL games. Two years on, Kaepernick has been frozen out of the football league but has won two major human-rights awards for … Continue reading “Kneeling for His Rights”
Get ahead for the new school year! This A2+-level article can be used in parallel with the warm-up activities implemented at the beginning of the school year, as it deals with the Pledge of Allegiance in every school in the U.S.A, as a daily patriotic ritual, as well as recent protests against the national anthem at … Continue reading “Protesting for Change”