From 18 to 24 September, the 6th International Festival of Press and Political Cartoons will take place at l’Estaque near Marseilles. The festival will propose exhibitions, performances and exchanges with cartoonists from all over the world around the values of democracy and freedom of expression. This is a free event where cartoonists offer free portraits … Continue reading “Cartooning for Freedom”
From 31st March 2017 to 10th September 2017, Art Ludique-Le Musée presents “The Art of DC – The dawn of Superheroes”. Good news for fans of DC comics and movie: after hosting the Pixar, Aardman, Miyazaki and Walt Disney Studios exhibitions, the Paris museum presents its latest celebration of pop culture. This exhibition celebrates DC’s … Continue reading “The Art of DC – The Dawn of Superheroes”
From the first animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the recent Frozen, many Disney films have become cinema classics. With a selection of 350 art pieces specially collected together a new exhibition in Paris pays tribute to the art of the Walt Disney Animation Studios. The exhibition shows how much the … Continue reading “The Art of Walt Disney Animation Studios – Movement by Nature”