The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for lycée classes. The varied selection this year includes odes to two very different British landscapes, family relations, mindfulness, racism, a music video based on an historic Scottish figure and a documentary about a prosthetic leg. If you sign up … Continue reading “This is England 2023 films for Lycée Classes”
Stretch St Patrick celebrations for one more night with traditional Irish band Altan, in concert in Rennes on 19 March. They’re also in Colomiers on 13 April. The five members of Altan, mainly from Donegal, have been playing together for more than thirty years. Fiddle, guitar, accordion and bouzouki blend to play traditional tunes and … Continue reading “Fabulous Irish Music in Rennes and Colomiers”
For the first time ever, the Nobel Prize for Literature has been awarded not to a novelist, playwright or poet, but the a songwriter: Bob Dylan. The 2016 Nobel was awarded to the 75-year-old folk-rock legend, “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. The singer-songwriter was born in 1941 in … Continue reading “The Times They Are A-Changin’”