The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for cycle 4e classes. This year’s selection ponders the roles of young and old in today’s society, offers positive visions of a sustainable future, as well as featuring a beatboxing animated dog. If you sign up for a collège showing, … Continue reading “This is England 2024 films for Cycle 4”
A suggestion from a group of British teenagers is helping food banks serving people who live on the breadline. These two videos are good for discussing the social phenomenon in class. As you can read in our article, a group of Exeter teenagers suggested putting signs on supermarket shelves next to priority items for food … Continue reading “Food Banks Videos”
Sometimes a simple idea can have an enormous effect. A suggestion from a group of British teenagers could brighten Christmas for hundreds of thousands of families living on the breadline. The group of 13 teenagers from Exeter in southwest England participated in a National Citizen Service programme last summer. One of the steps was to … Continue reading “A Gift for Christmas”