In this new animated film by Dreamworks, an intelligent robot called Roz is stranded on an uninhabited island after a shipwreck. To survive the harsh environment, Roz bonds with the island's animals and cares for an orphaned baby goose. Friendship with animals is always an appealing topic with young pupils, which is one of the reasons this trailer will be studied at an A1+ level. As there is no dialogue, there are no understanding difficulties, so that the dominant activity will be oral production.
Vocabulary and grammar
- animals and their babies
- feelings (happy, excited, afraid, curious, surprised, intrigued)
- present, past
- robot, goose, wild, curious, island, mountain, damaged, dangerous…
- Stress in excited, dangerous, fascinated…
The Wild Robot is on general release 9 October 2024
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The Wild Robot A1+ Student Worksheet
Tag(s) : "animals" "animated film" "animation" "empathy" "films based on books" "robots" "science-fiction" "survival"