A collage of students" self portraits

Your Students Have Talent: Masked Self Portraits

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 13 October 2021 > Pedagogy

We always love to see your students' work. Adeline Paget sent us photos of her 6e students who did the masked self-portraits activity we suggested.

The students from Collège Albert Camus  La Norville made the folded self portraits showing themselves masked and unmasked and including self-describing adjectives, and then displayed them on the doors of their lockers.

Pupils with their work displayed on their lockers.

Ms Paget explained, "We do the masked selfie to end the first project on 'Who am I?' and to customize our personal space at school, in order to build a feeling of self confidence and pride with our pupils."

That seems a wonderful objective for the first term of their first year in collège. Congratulations to all the pupils on their fabulous portraits!

And thank you Nathalie Le Gendre for the original activity!


Your students have talent, too!
We are always happy to celebrate students' work at any class level. If you have examples you would like to share, please send them to us, letting us know about the task pupils were responding to.

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> Back-to-School Masked Self-Portraits Activity