To accompany you and your students as they prepare for the Grand oral, there will be a free webinar on the subject on 18 January. Mission Grand oral author Olivier Jaoui will explain how to prepare for, and succeed in the exam, and will also answer pupils' questions.
"Comment préparer et réussir le Grand oral du Bac" by Olivier Jaoui
Tuesday 18 Janaura at 6.30 p.m.
The event is free, your students just need to sign up to receive the link.
Whatever specialities your pupils are presenting for the Grand oral, they'll find useful information and reassurance.
You can find out more about the Grand oral on the Mission Grand Oral site and find more Grand oral videos and webinars available to replay on the Nathan YouTube channel.
Tag(s) : "bac 2022" "baccalauréat" "Grand oral" "webinar"