This worksheet guides pupils to explore the online version of an exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York. "Activist New York" looks at the history of protest movements in the city from the 17th Century to today, fights for workers' rights, civil rights, votes for women or free speech. The "Political and Civil Rights" section is a great addition to Shine Bright 2e File 19 Breaking the Chains or File 1 United Colours of Harlem. The structure can be used to help pupils discover any website.
Axe du programme : Le passé dans le présent / Représentation de soi et rapport à autrui
Stuctures and vocabulary
- passive voice
- present simple and present BE+ING
- preterite and past perfect
- activism vocabulary
- time markers
- expressing change and progress
Pragmatic objectives
- Record an audio-guide presentation of an exhibition
- New York City
- History of activism in the U.S.A.
- Using a museum website
- Describing a visual
- Summarising information
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Activist NYC A2+-B1 Student Worksheet