Staging Emotions: West Side Story

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 28 April 2020 >

An online class about West Side Story would be great for students studying Shine Bright LLCER File 13 "Staging Emotions",  or the film West Side Story, which is on the list of oeuvres intégrales for LLCER Première. Or any class interested in musicals, Puerto Rico or Romeo and Juliet.

"Amour et rêve américain : quand la comédie musicale s'empare des grands mythes" is one of the programmes commissioned by the Education Ministry to be shown on France 4 during lockdown.

Teachers Lynda Itouchène and Erwan Gouraud look at the famous Bernstein musical, and particularly the 1961 film version. It gives lots of scope to explore immigration patterns to the U.S. and the special status of Puerto Rico, as well as the links between the musical and Shakespeare's tragedy. Analysis of the song "America" allows a look at the hopes and realities of the American Dream for Puerto Rican migrants.

But most importantly, as the presenters stress, it's a great opportunity to have fun with English, and enjoy a great film and some fabulous songs.

Like all the Lumni programmes, it was shown on TV, and then available  online .

You can find the detailed schedule of past and upcoming shows on France 4. And you can find the link to the powerpoint used for this class, and the other lycée classes.

The Steven Spielberg remake of West Side Story has been delayed till the end of the 2021, like so many film releases. We'll bring you more news about it as soon as we have it.

Steven Spielberg and the stars of his "West Side Story" remake, David Alvarez, Ariana DeBose, Rachel Zegler and Ansel Elgort.

Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> Patrick Stewart Reads Shakespeare
> West Side Story Free for Classes