Guy Fawkes Webpicks: Protest and Plot

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 08 October 2020 > Webpicks

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot are commemorated on 5 November every year in the UK on Bonfire Night. Pupils from A2 can discover the background to this annual event.  Lycée pupils can investigate how a failed terrorist from the seventeenth century has become the face of the Anonymous protest movement.

The British Parliament site has an interesting mini-site on the Gunpowder Plot, which took place within its walls, when Catholic conspirators plotted to blow up the building and the monarch, King James I.

The downloadable Powerpoint presentation for primary pupils is perfect for language learners from A1+.

There is a two-part video with transcripts looking at the plot from the point of view of Will Danby, a servant to Sir Robert Catesby, the leader of the plot. It can be used at lycée level, from B1+.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Lycée level pupils will no doubt be intrigued to discover that the “Anonymous” protest mask (or, for comic fans, the mask from “V for Vendetta”) actually represents Guy Fawkes. This article from The Economist is simple enough for B2-level pupils to get the gist of.

Celebrate See the related news
> Guy Fawkes: Man in a Mask
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