A reconstruction photo of Guy Fawkes in period clothes holding a barrel of gunpowder.

Guy Fawkes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 16 October 2021 > Ready to Use

This A1+ article is a short introduction to the Gunpowder Plot, which could of course be treated from a more complex historical point of view at a higher level. The traditions of Guy Fawkes night, fireworks, bonfires and the State Opening of Parliament are introduced. As 5e pupils are studying the same period in history (Thème 3 Transformations de l’Europe et ouverture sur le monde aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles : Humanisme, réformes et conflits religieux), it lends itself well to an EPI.

Vocabulary and structures:

  • British institutions and ceremonies (Parliament, the Palace of Westminster, the Opening of Parliament, searching the cellars, Beefeaters)
  • Places in London and their functions (Westminster, the Tower of London)
  • Crime vocabulary (conspirator, blow up, explosives, kill, assassinate, torture…)
  • Present simple / past simple.


Celebrate See the related news
> Guy Fawkes: Man in a Mask
Webpicks Useful websites and online tools for classroom use
> Guy Fawkes Webpicks: Protest and Plot