These articles about the 47th President of the United States will enable students to say what they already know about Donald Trump and the American election and will provide enough new information to trigger interest. They will serve as a basis for speaking and writing activities as well as interaction. There are two articles and corresponding activities, one at A2-level and one at B1.
Vocabulary and structures A2
- simple past, simple present, future with will
- superlatives
- language of elections and government
- family relationships
Vocabulary and structures B1
- simple past, simple present, present perfect, future with will
- comparatives, superlatives
- language of elections and government
- family relationships
Copyright(s) :
© Maxim Elramsisy/Shutterstock
Download resources :
Please connect with your Nathan Enseignant account (or register for free) to download files for free:
Donald Trump A2 Video-projectable Article
Donald Trump A2 Printable Article
Donald Trump A2 Student Worksheet
Donald Trump A2 Teacher's Notes
Donald Trump A2 Download all the PDF files in one Zip
Donald Trump B1 Video-projectable Article
Donald Trump B1 Printable Article
Donald Trump B1 Student Worksheet
> Back to the White House
> Political Icons: The Donkey and the Elephant
> A President Passes
> Everything You Need to Know About: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations
Tag(s) : "citoyenneté" "JD Vance" "parcours citoyen" "president" "Trump" "U.S. elections" "White House"