Once every four years, a U.S. President is inaugurated. This video gives a succinct summary of the significance of this ritualised event.
The first 1m30 gives an overview of the day from the oath to the speech and the inaugural balls, with some short extracts from Abraham Lincoln's and John F. Kennedy's inaugural speeches. Then there are 30 seconds about moving the old President's furnishings out of the White House and the new one's furnishings in while the Inauguration is going on.
The sections are short and the images help comprehension, so it's usable from B1. It would be a good idea to show the video once before sound first, so pupils can anticipate the contents and begin to name elements they recognise.
Copyright(s) :
Speakeasy Publications
> Everything You Need to Know About: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations
> A President Passes
Tag(s) : "Abraham Lincoln" "history" "JFK" "lieux et formes de pouvoir" "memory" "president" "U.S. culture" "U.S. politics" "video"