Pump up Pupils’ Language skills

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 25 October 2019 > Pedagogy

Not enough time in class to work on pupils’ language skills: grammar, vocabulary and phonology? Our Pump it up work books allow pupils to work at their own pace and are perfect for blended learning.

There are two levels: A2>B1 and B1>B2. Each contains 25 grammar lessons, 10 vocabulary lessons plus phonology activities to work on pronunciation and listening. Each lesson has a graduated series of associated activities — more than 250 in all.

Grammar is explained in a highly visual manner with infographics and Grammar tuto videos that bring them to life. You can save class time by having pupils read or watch the lesson at home, and assign the graded, progressive activities to do at home or in class.

Here’s an example of a Grammar tuto on the two preterites:

Audio, video and 150 interactive activities are available directly in the paper workbooks using a smartphone and the Nathan live app.

Or choose the digital version of Pump it up for pupils to use and fill-in directly onscreen.

Pump it up uses the same themes as Shine Bright 2e and 1e, and can be used with the textbook or independently.

You can browse through the workbooks online:

