One of the winning images in 2021 for the Prix Bayeux, a demonstration on 28 March 2021 in Rangoon, Myanmar, taken by an anonymous photographer.

Pupils Vote on Press Photography

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 05 September 2022 > Pedagogy

Since 1994, the Prix Bayeux has been awarded annually to war correspondents. The event also organises a schools’ project: Regard des jeunes de 15 ans. 3ème classes from France or abroad can vote for one of 20 press photos they feel best symbolises the world today. Votes close on 29 September.

The Prix Bayeux was inaugurated for the 50th anniversary of D-Day, since Bayeux was the first town liberated by Allied troops. The prize is awarded in four categories: written press, radio, television and photography. The town also hosts, in association with Reporters sans frontières, a memorial to journalists killed in the line of duty since 1944.

Regard des jeunes de 15 ans (or Gaze into the Mind of 15-year-olds) proposes a selection of 20 press photos by Agence France Presse photographers from the previous year and asks classes to observe them, discuss and debate, and to vote for the one they think best symbolises the world today. There’s a full teaching pack available in English, French, German and Dutch. This year’s photos were taken in conflict zones such as Ukraine and Afghanistan, but also cover migration, sports, wildfires and even Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee.

For classes in the Académie de Normandie, there is a POD channel to upload short videos where pupils explain which photo they want to vote for and why.

The Prix Bayeux des correspondents de guerre takes place from 3 to 9 October. As well as announcing all of the prizes, there are exhibitions, film showings and discussion events. You can find more information in the programme.

There are exhibitions on Ukraine, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Haiti, as well as one of photos taken by Albert Londres (1884-1932), better known for his journalism on social issues.

Regard des jeunes de 15 ans
Voting is open online till 29 September 2022

Prix Bayeux des correspondents de guerre
3-9 October 2022 (many of the exhibitions will stay open for the whole month.)



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> Don McCullin: War Photographer