Akram Khan, a British-born Bangladeshi dancer and choreographer, brings two shows to France which fuse classical Indian dance and stories with contemporary dance. Catch Until the Lions or Chotto Desh in and around Paris, Miramas, Angers, Sète, Brest or Reims between December and May. The 42-year-old Khan began his professional career at just 13, in … Continue reading “Innovative Indian Dance Shows Tour France”
If you’re looking for a fun language activity before the holidays, how about transforming your pupils into dancing zombies? For the tenth year running, Thrill the World will try to break its own world record for the biggest simultaneous dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”: 22,596 people around the world! The song’s video with Jackson doing … Continue reading “A “Thrilling” Halloween”
The Théâtre de la Ville in Paris is turning all New York for a mini-season and particularly the weekend of 8-9 October. The Théâtre de la Ville has pioneered an exchange with the Brooklyn Acadamy of Music, a cutting-edge performance venue in the super-trendy borough of New York. The Paris end of it runs till … Continue reading “Paris-New York Weekend”