On 15 February, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced she was resigning after eight years in the post. Like Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’ Prime Minister, less than a month ago, Sturgeon blamed the brutality of political life for her resignation. Nicola Sturgeon has been an MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament) since the first elections … Continue reading “Scottish First Minister Resigns”
If you would like to explore the debate around a possible second Scottish independence referendum, IndyRef2, in class, these videos have some useful material. We already featured a Scottish National Party Party Political broadcast from before the 6 May elections in our article. This one was published after the election results. Its message is pretty … Continue reading “Scottish Independence Debate Videos”
After elections to the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish National Party has emerged the leading party for the fourth consecutive election, achieving just one seat short of a majority in an electoral system specifically designed not to produce overall majorities. The party of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had campaigned on the promise of a new independence … Continue reading “Scottish Independence Back on the Agenda”
Director Gurinder Chadha has given cinema audiences a glimpse of British Asian experience with films like Bend it Like Beckham or Bhaji on the Beach. Now a series of chance encounters has led her to examine a difficult period in her family history and that of the country of her ancestors: the Partition of India … Continue reading “Partitioning India”