May 4 is international “Star Wars” Day in honour of the pun on this date: “May the fourth be with you.” In the movies the phrase “May the Force be with you” is used to wish an individual good luck and good favour with The Force. Since it began in 1977, Star Wars, an epic space … Continue reading “May the 4th Be With You!”
Florence Nightingale is one of Britain’s most recognisable names. The Victorian nursing pioneer and statistician left an indelible mark on the world of medicine. The first woman ever to be featured on a British banknote, her influence is such that 200 years after her birth, the emergency hospitals created for the coronavirus pandemic in the … Continue reading “Florence Nightingale: Nursing Pioneer”
National Vegetarian Week is taking place from 13 to 19 May in the UK, encouraging people to move towards a plant-based diet for their health and the planet’s. The week is organised by the National Vegetarian Society, which was founded in 1847, reflecting the long history of vegetarianism in the UK. The Society believes that … Continue reading “Eating Your Greens”
May 4 is international “Star Wars” Day in honour of the pun on this date: “May the fourth be with you.” In the movies the phrase “May the Force be with you” is used to wish an individual good luck and good favour with The Force. Since it began in 1977, Star Wars, an epic … Continue reading “May the Fourth Be With You”
For more than 150 years, tens of thousands of Australian Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families and communities. On 26 May, Australia recognises and commemorates this injustice on Sorry Day. Policies of “assimilating” indigenous children started early in the British colonial period in the nineteenth century. It accelerated and became more systematic from … Continue reading “Saying Sorry”
Du 15 au 20 mai 2017 aura lieu la deuxième édition de la semaine des langues vivantes. L’apprentissage des langues vivantes étrangères et régionales tient une place fondamentale dans la construction de la citoyenneté, l’enrichissement de la personnalité et l’ouverture au monde. La semaine des langues a pour objectif de faire prendre conscience à tous … Continue reading “Celebrate Modern Languages”