Comment permettre à tous les élèves à s’exprimer et à progresser à l’orale en anglais ? Un défi difficile que les enseignants de langue relèvent tous les jours. Notre nouveau guide pratique Mission Prof’ : Stimuler l’expression orale propose des activités clé-en-main. Ses auteurs ont partagé leurs expériences et répondu à vos questions lors d’un webinaire le … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: L’expression orale au collège webinaire replay”
Notre nouvelle collection de guides pratiques Mission Prof’ accueille son deuxième livre : Stimuler l’expression orale. Une mine d’idées pour aider vos élèves à s’exprimer au collège ! Comme bon nombre d’enseignants enthousiastes et joueurs, Catherine Baudry et Patrick Moore ont toujours cherché à rendre leurs cours d’anglais les plus vivants possibles en favorisant la communication entre … Continue reading “Mission prof’: L’expression orale au collège”
If you teach in 5e, you’ll soon be receiving the latest addition to our Shine Bright textbook collection: Shine Bright 5e. It’s a textbook and workbook rolled into one! Check out the introductory video! Inside you’ll find: A game to discover the textbook-workbook. A short introductory chapter to revise the previous year’s work, Welcome to … Continue reading “Shine Bright 5e: Manuel-Workbook”
Steven Spielberg’s 1985 film The Color Purple was extremely unusual for having an almost entirely African-American cast. (Alice Walker, whose 1982 novel it is based on, was the first ever African-American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.) The film is an enduring classic, and the musical-theatre version of the story is now hitting … Continue reading “The Color Purple Returns”
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his leadership of the African American civil-rights movement. The Nobel committee has published a series of videos and a lesson plan for using them in class. Perfect for Martin Luther King Day, 17 January this year. You can download the lesson … Continue reading “Videos for Martin Luther King Day”
‘Tis the season for various dictionaries to reveal their “words of the year”. It has been the word on everyone’s lips, so it’s not surprising that the UK’s Collins Dictionary, as well as Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary people’s choice was AI. But we came across a few we were unfamiliar with, such as “rizz” and “cozzie … Continue reading “Words of the Year: 2023”
Black Legends is a musical comedy that traces more than a century of African American music along with landmarks in the civil-rights movement and Black American history. We know some of you took classes when it was on last year. It’s back on in Paris until at least the end of January. The musical doesn’t … Continue reading “Black Legends”
Everyone has at least heard of Bollywood but how many of us really know how huge and culturally-loaded this industry is? This is what this A2+-B1 article explores! You and your students will get to understand how powerful Bollywood is and how it hinges on both tradition and modernity to appeal to its audience. As … Continue reading “Celebrating Bollywood”
Hollywood is often used as a synonym for the cinema industry but Bollywood in India actually releases more films. The Indian film industry makes 2000 films every year, about three times as many as Hollywood. Cinema came very early to India. The Lumière Brothers’ pioneering films were shown soon after their European release in 1896. … Continue reading “Bollywood Superstars”
26 September is the day the EU celebrates all the many languages spoken in Europe and around the world. They have lots of resources for multilingual fun in schools. This language detective game requires no preparation. There are 40 short texts in 40 different languages each time you have to choose between six possible languages. … Continue reading “European Day of Languages 2023”