If you’d like to brush up on your English and discover different teaching techniques, you can apply to spend two weeks teaching and observing in a school in the UK or Ireland, whether you are a language or DNL teacher. France éducation international (formerly the CIEP ) gives teachers possibility to spend two weeks in UK … Continue reading “Two-week Stays in UK and Irish Schools for Teachers”
Every year, the Education Ministry finances 400 courses in language and culture in EU countries for language teachers in primary or secondary. Applications need to be in by 17 January 2022. The two-week courses take place during the summer holidays. This year there are two in Dublin and two in Norwich (England), from 11 to … Continue reading “Travel to Dublin or Norwich for Language Training Courses”
Every year, the Education Ministry finances 400 courses in language and culture in EU countries for language teachers in primary or secondary. Applications need to be in by 17 January 2021. The two-week courses take place during the summer holidays. Brexit oblige, the English-language ones are in Dublin this year, from 12 to 21 July. … Continue reading “Travel to Ireland for Training Courses”
After so long cooped up, it’s time to think of travel! If you teach English in secondary school, you can apply to spend two weeks teaching and observing in a school in the UK or Ireland. France éducation international (formerly the CIEP ) gives teachers possibility to spend two weeks in UK or Ireland to … Continue reading “Short Teaching Stays in the UK and Ireland”
After a short break, the education ministry has announced that classes européennes can once more be offered in collèges. We’d love to have your input about these classes and the topics that work well in them. Do you have five minutes to spare to fill in our online questionnaire? We’d really appreciate it if you … Continue reading “Classes européennes, the Come-back: Tell Us What You Think!”
Quel professeur de langue ne s’est jamais trouvé entraîné, lors d’un repas de famille ou parmi des amis, dans une discussion sans fin sur l’apprentissage des langues ? En général, les protagonistes s’estiment tous experts en théories de l’apprentissage et les lieux communs volent bas : « Pour vraiment apprendre l’anglais, il faut aller dans le pays… » ; « Moi, … Continue reading “Mythes et réalités : L’apprentissage des Langues”
Inscrivez-vous pour une formation gratuite de six semaines pour les enseignants d’anglais langue étrangère. Le MOOC Pratiques professionnelles pour enseigner l’anglais est proposé par le British Council aux enseignants d’anglais, tous niveaux scolaires, partout dans le monde. Ce MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) s’inscrit dans la formation continue et propose aux enseignants de découvrir et … Continue reading “Formation en ligne gratuite pour les enseignants d’anglais”