Halloween: Out of This World!

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 05 October 2021 > Celebrate

Halloween is celebrated by kids and adults all over the U.S.A…. even in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Every year, teams of space scientists take an hour off from pushing the boundaries of space to compete in the annual pumpkin carving contest. The winners are of course… over the Moon!

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology is staffed by highly-skilled scientists who create sophisticated robots for missions in space and on Earth. But even eggheads need some "rest and recreation" sometimes and the annual jack o' lantern contest lets them get creative and apply their technical skills to a more light-hearted mission.

The teams only have an hour to create their lantern, but some serious preparation is done ahead of time.


Once a space scientist, always a space scientist: many of the creations have a space-travel theme.
Once a space scientist, always a space scientist: many of the creations have a space-travel theme.
Others whiz, turn, make noise or emit smoke. This one expands, emulating a dying star.
Others whiz, turn, make noise or emit smoke. This one expands, emulating a dying star.
The 2017 winner wasn't a spaceship but a pirate ship complete with sails, flag and figurehead.
The 2017 winner wasn't a spaceship but a pirate ship complete with sails, flag and figurehead.



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