This sequence for a Terminale class included different types of writing, both journalistic and creative as well as pupils expressing their reactions to a documentary in writing, and making a short video. Pupils’ reactions to the Paralympic athletes they discovered was very enthusiastic and they seemed to take on board the Paralympic values of courage, … Continue reading “Paralympic Game Changers”
Vos élèves de Terminale seront les premiers à passer le Grand oral en 2021. Comment les aider à préparer l’épreuve ? Un mini-site dédié est déjà en ligne et sera alimenté régulièrement. Pour vous accompagner vers la préparation et la réussite de cette nouvelle épreuve du “Grand oral”, Nathan s’est associé à Olivier Jaoui, directeur de … Continue reading “Et si on parlait du Grand oral ?”
Toutes les informations sur Shine Bright Terminale en quatre étapes faciles. Step 1: cette vidéo explicative de 3 minutes: les thèmes, les séquences de taille variée, les outils numériques, la préparation au baccalauréat… Step 2: Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour le feuilletage, l’extrait du livre du prof, etc. Feuilleter Shine Bright Terminale. Télécharger la … Continue reading “Everything You Wanted to Know About Shine Bright Terminale”
The Hate U Give (THUG for short) was published in 2017. The setting, events, and characters of this coming-of-age story are largely inspired by Thomas’s own life. It was a number-one New York Times Best Seller, made the 2017 National Book Award Longlist, and was adapted into a movie in 2018. The protagonist is Starr Carter, a … Continue reading “Book Notes: The Hate U Give”
This document aims to allow you to work on the trailer of the upcoming movie Downton Abbey at a B1 level. A perfect accompaniment to Shine Bright Terminale File 4 Masters and Servants. Downton Abbey was originally a British historical period drama television series that aired from 2010 to 2015. It was set as a … Continue reading “Downton Abbey: Masters and Servants”
La réponse à toutes vos questions sur Shine Bright Terminale avec cette vidéo explicative: les thèmes, les séquences de taille variée, les outils numériques, la préparation au baccalauréat… Et si vous avez d’autres questions, vous pourrez très bientôt les poser en direct aux auteurs lors du webinaire consacré à Shine Bright et la préparation au … Continue reading “Shine Bright Terminale : en 3 minutes chrono”
An online class about West Side Story would be great for students studying Shine Bright LLCER File 13 “Staging Emotions”, or the film West Side Story, which is on the list of oeuvres intégrales for LLCER Première. Or any class interested in musicals, Puerto Rico or Romeo and Juliet. “Amour et rêve américain : quand la … Continue reading “Staging Emotions: West Side Story”
They’re finally here. (Well they’re in warehouses waiting for schools to reopen!) Our teams of teachers, editors, picture researchers, graphic designers, layout artists and more have been hard at work for months preparing two new textbooks. And we can now let you have an exclusive look at them. The new books join Shine Bright 2e, … Continue reading “Time to Shine!”