Reconciliation Australia is an NGO set up to facilitate reconciliation between the wider Australian population and Indigenous Australians. They have a very attractive learning section on their Share Our Pride website which includes the following videos. It's perfect for a theme about Indigenous Australians and/or Sorry Day.
This is a relatively simple, short explanation (less than a minute) of who the First Australians are. Suitable from A2.
Beyond the Myths
The title of this 1'30 video ties it nicely to a mythes et héros theme, playing on the myths and dreamtime stories Indigenous Australians consider an essential part of their culture, and the myths the rest of the population believe about them.
It covers a short explanation of colonisation, gives a summary of the fight for civil rights and the problems still faced by First Australians today and finishes on a vision of a better future.
The length is perfect for a Bac-style listening comprehension activity. The audio is clear from B1. Pupils will need to be given the phrase "the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples", the term most frequently used to describe the First Australians. (And used so often it tends to run into one sound, difficult to segment for a non-native speaker.) Aboriginal peoples are from mainland Australia, Torres Strait Islanders are from the islands between Australia's north coast and Papua New Guinea.
The Apology
On 13 February 1998, the newly elected Kevin Rudd made his first act as Prime Minister a solemn apology to the Stolen Generations. This short video entitled "The Apology" includes footage of Prime Minister Rudd's speech and reaction from the public who gathered to hear it. There is a moving reaction from a young woman explaining that her grandmother was one of the Stolen and the repercussions it had on the family.
At over five minutes it may seem long for classroom use but there a quite long passages without speech. It is usable in part or as a whole from B1.
Audio Resources
There is an audio extract with interactive comprehension activities of Kevin Rudd's speech in the Banque de ressources anglais cycle 4. To see the resources, register now or log in, then go to:
Audios > B1 > Rencontres avec d'autres cultures > Témoignages > Saying Sorry
Tag(s) : "Aborigines" "Australia" "Bac listening comprehension" "BRNE Cycle 4" "campaign" "civil rights" "commemoration" "Give Me Five 4e" "indigenous people" "mythes et héros" "Sorry Day" "speech"