To “remember, remember the fifth of November”, as a children’s rhyme says, A1+-level pupils can watch a slideshow about Bonfire Night. At A2-A2+, useful links can be made with the history curriculum It’s worth giving pupils a few basic facts about the failed plot and the annual celebrations. This Powerpoint presentation from the UK Parliament … Continue reading “Guy Fawkes Webpicks”
De nouvelles vidéos et articles pour des niveaux A1+ à B1 viennent d’être rajoutés à la Banque de ressources numériques d’anglais Cycle 4. C’est l’occasion de découvrir ou redécouvrir cette banque de ressources gratuite qui fourmille de ressources (vidéos, audios, articles) et d’activités interactives à proposer à vos élèves. Quinze nouvelles vidéos accompagnées d’activités vous … Continue reading “De nouvelles vidéos et articles téléchargeables pour vos classes”
Australia, with its topsy-turvy seasons and love of sport and the great outdoors, is a rich subject for language and cultural learning. Australia Day on 26 January is a great time for some Oz-themed resources. This is a nice easy short video about finding your own way to celebrate Australia Day. From A2. This is … Continue reading “Australia Digital Resources”
It’s been nine years since the final book in the Harry Potter series. But now Harry Potter is really back with a vengeance! Here are some useful online resources for working with Harry Potter. You can find articles about the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play, and visiting the Harry Potter studios in London … Continue reading “Teaching with Harry Potter”
We’ve sifted through the many resources online about the U.S. elections to find the ones best adapted for use in collège and lycée classes. The U.S. presidential elections is a hot topic and information is constantly changing. A lot of what is available online is too difficult for non-native speakers, who, as well as the … Continue reading “U.S. Presidential Election Webpicks”