To "remember, remember the fifth of November", as a children’s rhyme says, A1+-level pupils can watch a slideshow about Bonfire Night. At A2-A2+, useful links can be made with the history curriculum
It’s worth giving pupils a few basic facts about the failed plot and the annual celebrations. This Powerpoint presentation from the UK Parliament education service also works from A1+. This article written for kids is a good introduction to Guy Fawkes, usable from A2. The top part concentrates on last year's COVID lockdown starting in England on 5 November, but scrolling down there's more general information.
This article about the Gunpowder Plot is can also tackled from A2+. It makes a good link with pupils' history classes, as it emphasises the importance of looking at contemporary source documents. Pupils will no doubt enjoy comparing Fawkes' signatures on arrival at the Tower of London and after questioning – was he tortured and does that explain the differences in the signatures?
Tag(s) : "article" "bonfire night" "British culture" "British history" "game" "Give Me Five 5e" "Guy Fawkes" "traditions"