The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for cycle 4e classes. This year’s selection ponders the roles of young and old in today’s society, offers positive visions of a sustainable future, as well as featuring a beatboxing animated dog. If you sign up for a collège showing, … Continue reading “This is England 2024 films for Cycle 4”
The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for cycle 3 classes. This year’s selection focuses on children’s experiences, some as young carers, and stories from diverse cultures represented in the U.K. If you sign up for a Cycle 3 showing, your students will see six films ranging … Continue reading “This is England 2024 films for Cycle 3”
Comment permettre à tous les élèves à s’exprimer et à progresser à l’orale en anglais ? Un défi difficile que les enseignants de langue relèvent tous les jours. Notre nouveau guide pratique Mission Prof’ : Stimuler l’expression orale propose des activités clé-en-main. Ses auteurs ont partagé leurs expériences et répondu à vos questions lors d’un webinaire le … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: L’expression orale au collège webinaire replay”
Notre nouvelle collection de guides pratiques Mission Prof’ accueille son deuxième livre : Stimuler l’expression orale. Une mine d’idées pour aider vos élèves à s’exprimer au collège ! Comme bon nombre d’enseignants enthousiastes et joueurs, Catherine Baudry et Patrick Moore ont toujours cherché à rendre leurs cours d’anglais les plus vivants possibles en favorisant la communication entre … Continue reading “Mission prof’: L’expression orale au collège”
Our new collection, Reading Guides anglais, lets you introduce collège and seconde learners to reading fiction in English. Each one contains extensive extracts of a popular work of fiction and lots of teaching tools to help pupils understand. On 12 June, two guide authors discussed how to use fiction in the classroom in a short, … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: Introducing Fiction to Younger Learners Replay”
The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for CM1, CM2 and 6e classes that explore original and age-appropriate ways to tackle difficulties faced by children. If you sign up for a jeune public showing, your students will see five films ranging in length from 4m20 to 14 … Continue reading “This is England 2023 films for Young Learners”
The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for collège classes. This year’s selection takes us back to the First World War and forward to imagined futures in 2053 and 2087 as well as films on the UK today and contemporary issues. If you sign up for a collège … Continue reading “This is England 2023 films for Collège Classes”
The This is England short-film festival in Rouen has a specific programme of short films for lycée classes. The varied selection this year includes odes to two very different British landscapes, family relations, mindfulness, racism, a music video based on an historic Scottish figure and a documentary about a prosthetic leg. If you sign up … Continue reading “This is England 2023 films for Lycée Classes”
If you teach in collège, you might like to sign your pupils up for an original multilingual story competition. It asks classes to write a story using elements of languages other than French. You need to sign up by 30 September 2023 but then you have till 24 March to send in your project. The … Continue reading “Multilingual Story Competition for Collège”
Notre nouvelle collection de guides pratiques Mission Prof’ a désormais son premier livre: Enseigner l’anglais par le jeu. Vous y trouverez 60 jeux clés en main pour enseigner l’anglais, ainsi que des conseils pour créer vos propres jeux. Les auteurs, Cindy Mathieu et Charlie Rollo, utilisent les jeux en classe au quotidien. Charlie Rollo a partagé … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: Enseigner l’anglais par le jeu Webinar Replay”