Lee Miller: Photographing World War II

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 04 July 2024 > What's On

Lee Miller was one of the rare women war correspondents in World War II, photographing and reporting on D-Day, the liberation of Europe and some of the first images of Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps. An exhibition celebrates her reporting of the siege of Saint-Malo in August 1944, before a biopic arrives on cinema screens, … Continue reading “Lee Miller: Photographing World War II”

Around the World in 150 Photos

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 05 February 2022 > Shine Bright Lycée What's On

Magnum photographer Steve McCurry may not be a household name but his photos are instantly recognisable, especially one of a young Afghan girl taken in Pakistan where her family had taken refuge in 1984. A retrospective at the Musée Maillol in Paris takes visitors around the world in his footsteps, to India, Papua New Guinea, … Continue reading “Around the World in 150 Photos”

20th Anniversary of 9/11

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 09 September 2021 > Ready to Use

9/11 … a date etched in everyone’s memory forever. 20 years ago, the world changed tremendously in a few hours. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center were as unexpected as life-changing for the whole world. Commemorations and various events are to take place in the U.S. to pay tribute to those who lost … Continue reading “20th Anniversary of 9/11”

9/11 Commemorated in Rennes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 08 September 2021 > What's On

The Institut-Franco-Américain in Rennes is marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks with an exhibition and a talk. On 21 September, Florian Treguer from University Rennes 2  will look back on the 9/11 attacks through the prism of Don DeLillo’s 2007 novel Falling Man. And an exhibition, 20 Ans Après Never Forget, by … Continue reading “9/11 Commemorated in Rennes”

9/11 20 Years On

Posted by Speakeasy News > Saturday 14 August 2021 > In the News

On 11 September 2001, the world watched in horror and disbelief as first one plane and then a second crashed into the Twin Towers of the NYC’s World Trade Center. Then news spread of a third hijacked plane heading to the Pentagon and a fourth that crashed en route to Washington, D.C., thanks to the … Continue reading “9/11 20 Years On”

The Unknown Warrior 100 Years On

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 25 November 2020 > Celebrate Shine Bright Lycée

The First World War was so devastating, countries were at a loss to know how to commemorate their dead. A hundred years ago, two years after the Armistice, Britain’s King George V inaugurated the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Cathedral, to honour all the anonymous fallen. Although the war had mobilised vast numbers … Continue reading “The Unknown Warrior 100 Years On”


Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 31 January 2020 >

The new World War I drama from director Sam Mendes, 1917, unfolds in real-time, tracking a pair of British soldiers as they cross the Western Front on a desperate rescue mission. Soldiers Blake and Schofield  must travel nine miles across the treacherous war zone to deliver orders to stop a regiment attacking enemy lines within … Continue reading “1917”

WWI: They Shall Not Grow Old

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 10 July 2019 > Shine Bright Lycée

To mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, Peter Jackson has restored old black-and-white archive footage of British servicemen’s life in the trenches. “They Shall Not Grow Old” takes its title from a 1914 poem and this resource fits perfectly into Shine Bright 1re Advanced File 2: “War will Not Tear … Continue reading “WWI: They Shall Not Grow Old”