Sports Stories Winners Lycée B2

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 20 June 2024 > Pedagogy

We received thousands and thousands of fabulous entries to our sport-themed creative-writing contest. Here are our favourite lycée texts entered as B2. There are a couple with an equestrian theme, and others on athletics, figure skating, volleyball, cycling, badminton and Gaelic football. Plus one that is out of this world! And the winners are, in … Continue reading “Sports Stories Winners Lycée B2”

Around the World In 78 Days!

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 20 September 2017 > In the News

Jules Verne imagined travelling around the world in 80 days. Scottish cyclist Mark Beaumont did better, cycling around the world 78 days, 14 hours and 28 minutes! When Beaumont set off from Paris on 2 July, 80 days seemed a hefty challenge. The Guinness World Record for circumnavigating the world by bicycle was 123 days, … Continue reading “Around the World In 78 Days!”

Around the World in 80 Days

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 04 July 2017 > In the News

As many British cyclists set off on the 2017 Tour de France, Mark Beaumont set off on a much longer cycling challenge. He is trying to cycle around the world in 80 days, in homage to Jules Verne’s classic adventure novel. To qualify for the Guinness World Record for cycling around the world, Beaumont needs … Continue reading “Around the World in 80 Days”