U.S. Trips for Low-Income Lycéens

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 31 January 2017 > Pedagogy

Every year, the American Embassy Youth Ambassadors for Community Service programme allows 20 French lycéens from low-income families to go on an expenses-paid two-week trip to the U.S. The trips, for 20 high-school students and 10 youth leaders involved in community work, aim to develop intercultural links between French and American young people, and develop … Continue reading “U.S. Trips for Low-Income Lycéens”

Civil Rights: The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 25 November 2016 > Ready to Use

Sixty years ago, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which had started on 5 December, 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat, finally ended. It was the first victory for Martin Luther King on the road to civil rights for African Americans. This B1-level article recapitulates the beginnings of the Civil … Continue reading “Civil Rights: The Montgomery Bus Boycott”

President Trump

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 09 November 2016 > In the News

Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States of America as part of a Republican landslide that sees the party keep its majority in both Houses of Congress. It has been an election campaign full of surprises. In the run-up to the primaries last autumn, no one seriously expected Donald … Continue reading “President Trump”

Collecting Statistics: Class Project on Gender Equality

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 12 October 2016 > Webpicks

This project from the United Nations is really concrete and could work well as part of an EPI with Maths and Geography, or at a more sophisticated level as part of a Lieux et formes du pouvoir or l’idée du progrès theme in lycée, especially with ES classes. It asks pupils to collect statistics about … Continue reading “Collecting Statistics: Class Project on Gender Equality”

Chasing the Youth Vote

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 06 September 2016 > In the News

In the U.S. presidential elections,  all the candidates are chasing the youth vote. The Democrats most of all. So Barack Obama  has made a short video to encourage young people to sign up to vote. It would make a great classroom activity. The youth vote is a difficult demographic. Young people are more likely than … Continue reading “Chasing the Youth Vote”

Barack Obama Register to Vote Video

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 06 September 2016 > Webpicks

In the U.S. presidential elections,  all the candidates are chasing the youth vote. So Barack Obama  has made a short video to encourage young people to sign up to vote. It would make a great classroom activity. The video shows the President doing “Five things that are harder than registering to vote.” Barack Obama is … Continue reading “Barack Obama Register to Vote Video”