The Global Partnership for Education has a simple goal: to ensure that all children everywhere have the possibility to go to school. The organisation, founded in 2002 is holding a Global Education Summit co-hosted by the U.K. and Kenya on 28-29 July to persuade donors to finance its goals for 2021-2025. Since the creation of … Continue reading “Education for All”
In 2011, the United Nations declared 11 October the International Day of the Girl. It’s a day to celebrate girls and raise awareness of the problems they face. The UN, Plan International and USAID all have excellent resources for working on gender equality and education in class. Many of these topics would work well as … Continue reading “International Day of the Girl Webpicks”
In 2011, the United Nations declared 11 October the International Day of the Girl. It’s a day to celebrate girls and raise awareness of the problems they face. Girls face challenges such as violence, child marriage, early pregnancy and its health effects, and limited access to paid work. Gender equality and education for all were … Continue reading “International Day of the Girl”