Operation Overlord: the Turning Point of World War II

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 06 June 2024 > Celebrate

On June 6, 1944 at dawn, Operation Overlord, the largest airborne and naval offensive in history, was launched by the Allied forces to open a second front in Western Europe against Nazi Germany. After months of titanic preparations mobilising nearly 5 million men and immense logistics, an armada of 4,300 landing ships and 500 warships, … Continue reading “Operation Overlord: the Turning Point of World War II”

Commemorating D-Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 15 May 2024 > Ready to Use

There are many “D-Days” but only one D-DAY that everyone remembers and is still celebrated 80 years after it took place. 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy. More than 150,000 troops, from more than 13 different countries landed in Normandy on 6 June 1944, helped by thousands of civilians in … Continue reading “Commemorating D-Day”

D-Day in Sound and Poetry

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 03 June 2019 > Celebrate

As part of the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the town of Bayeux is hosting an immersive audio performance in English about British war poet and D-Day veteran Keith Douglas. Douglas was a WWII tank commander, who fought in North Africa and participated in the Normandy landings. He was killed three … Continue reading “D-Day in Sound and Poetry”