Table-top Shakespeare Free Streaming

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 03 September 2020 > What's On

A couple of years ago, Sheffield-based Forced Entertainment brought the complete works of Shakespeare to the Festival d’automne in Paris: all 36 plays, each summarised by a single actor, using household objects. This autumn, the videos of the performances will be available in turn online. You can find the full schedule on Forced Entertainment’s site. … Continue reading “Table-top Shakespeare Free Streaming”

Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 03 August 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

If you’re teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain this year, you haven’t had a lot of time to prepare. The curriculum was published too late for textbooks to be prepared for it. But we can help: check out our companion site for suggestions and lesson plans to use Shine Bright LLCER with AMC classes. Already on … Continue reading “Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain”

LLCER: quelles oeuvres pour vos Terminales ?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 18 June 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Vous avez été nombreux lors de notre webinar pour la spécialité LLCER de demander le programme limitatif d’oeuvres intégrales pour la Terminale. La liste a été publiée au BO du 21 mai 2020. Quelles oeuvres pensez-vous étudier avec vos élèves l’année prochaine ? Le programme de LLCER précise que 3 œuvres intégrales, dont 2 œuvres littéraires … Continue reading “LLCER: quelles oeuvres pour vos Terminales ?”

Everything You Wanted to Know About Shine Bright LLCER

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 02 June 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Toutes les informations sur Shine Bright LLCER cycle terminal en quatre étapes faciles. Step 1: cette vidéo explicative de 4 minutes: les thèmes, les séquences de taille variée, les outils numériques, la préparation au baccalauréat, le progamme limitatif d’oeuvres… Step 2: Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour le feuilletage, l’extrait du livre du prof, etc. … Continue reading “Everything You Wanted to Know About Shine Bright LLCER”

Meet the Authors: Shine Bright Webinars

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 07 May 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Les auteurs de Shine Bright Terminale and LLCER cycle terminal ont répondu à vos questions lors de deux webinaires en ligne.  > Mercredi 13/05 à 17 h : Corinne Escales et Lynda Itouchène : Comment adapter l’enseignement de l’anglais à tous les profils de classe avec Shine Bright Terminale ? Merci à tous ceux qui ont assisté … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: Shine Bright Webinars”

Staging Emotions: West Side Story

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 28 April 2020 >

An online class about West Side Story would be great for students studying Shine Bright LLCE File 13 “Staging Emotions”,  or the film West Side Story, which is on the list of oeuvres intégrales for LLCE Première. Or any class interested in musicals, Puerto Rico or Romeo and Juliet. “Amour et rêve américain : quand la … Continue reading “Staging Emotions: West Side Story”


Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 31 January 2020 >

The new World War I drama from director Sam Mendes, 1917, unfolds in real-time, tracking a pair of British soldiers as they cross the Western Front on a desperate rescue mission. Soldiers Blake and Schofield  must travel nine miles across the treacherous war zone to deliver orders to stop a regiment attacking enemy lines within … Continue reading “1917”

Reading Guides for Your Students

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 20 December 2019 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

We promised them and here they are. Our first four Reading Guides are available for books on the 1ère LLCER curriculum by Edgar Allan Poe, George Orwell, Harper Lee and Mark Haddon. Designed for class or home use, they will help pupils successfully meet the challenge of reading their first full fictional works in English. … Continue reading “Reading Guides for Your Students”