Two international summits in New York are trying to find solutions to the worst refugee crisis since World War II. One in 113 inhabitants of our planet have had to flee their homes because of conflict, persecution or natural disasters. According to the UNHCR (the United Nations’ Refugee Agency), by the end of 2015, there … Continue reading “Two Summits on the Refugee Crisis”
In the U.S. presidential elections, all the candidates are chasing the youth vote. The Democrats most of all. So Barack Obama has made a short video to encourage young people to sign up to vote. It would make a great classroom activity. The youth vote is a difficult demographic. Young people are more likely than … Continue reading “Chasing the Youth Vote”
In the U.S. presidential elections, all the candidates are chasing the youth vote. So Barack Obama has made a short video to encourage young people to sign up to vote. It would make a great classroom activity. The video shows the President doing “Five things that are harder than registering to vote.” Barack Obama is … Continue reading “Barack Obama Register to Vote Video”