Windrush Day is coming! But what is it exactly? It has been celebrated annually in the UK since 2018. It takes place on 22 June, the date in 1948 when the arrival of a ship called the HMT Windrush heralded the beginning of a wave of immigration from British colonies,. This 75th anniversary year will … Continue reading “Windrush Day”
A new BBC film tells the true story of one man’s experience of being told that after 50 years he no longer had the right to live in the UK. They are known as the Windrush Generation: people who were born in British colonies who were invited to come and help Britain rebuild after WWII. … Continue reading “The Human Face of the Windrush Scandal”
There were various celebrations and exhibitions planned to mark the 70th anniversary of the beginning of West Indian mass immigration to the U.K., with the arrival of the Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks in London on 22 June 1948. Instead, a scandal has grown up about the treatment of the “Windrush Generation” that led to the … Continue reading “What About Windrush?”