Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his leadership of the African American civil-rights movement. The Nobel committee has published a series of videos and a lesson plan for using them in class. Perfect for Martin Luther King Day, 17 January this year. You can download the lesson … Continue reading “Videos for Martin Luther King Day”
This year’s UK National Poetry Day is on 5 October. A great opportunity to get some poetry into your class, and to explore this year’s theme: Refuge. The National Poetry Day site has lots of poems and teaching resources. We picked out some which are especially well adapted to ESL learners. There are short films … Continue reading “Poetry in the Classroom”
April 22 is Earth Day and its organisers are encouraging us all to “invest in our planet”, the theme of this year’s event. It certainly needs us all to pay more attention to its needs. Earthday.org and NASA provide lots information and teaching tools to engage students and offer practical actions to take. This 1-minute … Continue reading “Earth Day 2022”
Red Nose Day (18 March in 2022) encourages people to raise money for projects in the UK and the developing world by “doing something funny for money.” But it also aims to raise awareness of poverty, disability and homelessness, particularly among schoolchildren, who are massive supporters, along with school staff, of Red Nose Day. Here … Continue reading “More Red Nose Day Webpicks”
It’s National Poetry Day in the UK on 7 October. On that day, or any day, why not have fun with poems in class? They’re a great way to explore language and practise diction. The National Poetry Day site has a lot of poems. Many are difficult for ESL learners but we’ve picked a couple … Continue reading “Read Poems Out Loud for National Poetry Day”
Red Nose Day (19 March in 2021) encourages people to raise money for projects in the UK and the developing world by “doing something funny for money.” But it also aims to raise awareness of poverty, particularly among schoolchildren, who are massive supporters, along with school staff, of Red Nose Day. Here are a selection … Continue reading “Red Nose Day Webpicks”
Many countries in Europe have instituted lockdowns with the aim of reducing coronavirus transmissions enough to allow their populations to have a semblance of a normal Christmas. In the U.S., the problem of family get-togethers is a whole month earlier, with Thanksgiving, which falls this year on Thursday 26 November. With COVID-19 infections spiking all … Continue reading “Thanksgiving Despite Coronavirus”
If you’re teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain this year, you haven’t had a lot of time to prepare. The curriculum was published too late for textbooks to be prepared for it. But we can help: check out our companion site for suggestions and lesson plans to use Shine Bright LLCER with AMC classes. Already on … Continue reading “Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain”
Mandela Day, 18 July, is a United Nations International Day in honour of Nelson Mandela. The date is his birthday, and 2018 marks the centenary of his birth. As well as our Ready to Use Resource and BioBox quiz, here are some online resources for classroom use about Mandela Day. Our downloadable BioBox quiz is … Continue reading “Mandela Day Digital Resources”
The organisers of National Poetry Day in the UK, 28 September, have a treasure trove of poems and teaching activities on their website, including a free ebook of poems to download. This year’s theme is freedom. We’ve made a selection of those that work best for language teaching, with teaching suggestions. The Freedom Films page … Continue reading “Creative Activities for National Poetry Day”