If you're tempted to use more games in your classroom but aren't completely sure how, listen to a colleague describe how she uses the Still English game pack with her collège classes.
Isabelle Brothier teaches English in a collège de Charente, and has used many of the Still English games with different class levels. She finds it works well both for the strongest groups in her classes and the pupils who need the most help. It really encourages cooperation. But she can explain it better than we can:
> Still English Game Webinar
> L’anglais par le jeu
> Innovez avec la mallette de jeu Still English !
> Time to Escape
> Acquérir et retenir du vocabulaire
> La classe Bitmoji
Tag(s) : "différenciation" "expression orale" "games" "jeux" "ludification" "Still English" "témoignage" "video"