West Side Story Free for Classes

Posted by Speakeasy News > Wednesday 24 February 2021 > Pedagogy

The educational TV channel Lumni is offering the Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise film of West Side Story free to stream for collège and lycée classes. 

The film of the musical comedy by Bernstein, Sondheim and Robbins is a reworking of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, with the Capulets and Montagues being replaced by rival gangs  in New York.

Connect to the Lumni cinémathèque with an academic e-mail address and you can launch the film.

And you can also use the Lumni English-teaching programme on the musical, which is one of the oeuvres intégrales for LLCER Première !


Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> Staging Emotions: West Side Story