A Free Poster for Earth Day

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 22 April 2021 > Shine Bright Lycée Webpicks

This Earth Day, 22 April, President Biden is hosting an online Leaders' Summit on Climate ahead of the UN's COP 26 Climate Change Conference that is supposed to take place in Glasgow in November. And he made the surprise pledge to cut the U.S.'s carbon emissions by half in the next decade, double the previous promise.

Earth Day was established in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. For the 51st edition, the organisation has 51 suggestions of things ordinary people can do in their everyday lives to help restore the Earth, from volunteering to pick up rubbish with the Global Cleanup to having Meatless Mondays to reduce their carbon "foodprint".

One suggestion is to include environmental education in lessons, and they have lots of lesson plans and teaching resources to help.

And you can also download a high resolution copy of this beautiful Earth Day poster for your classroom. It should give pupils plenty to talk about with its tree in the form of a partial globe and the people approaching it with watering cans to water it.

A poster saying Restore the Earth Earth Day 2021. It features a tree in the form of a world globe map and a diverse group of people approaching it with watering cans to water it.

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