
Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 07 April 2017 > Ready to Use

This A2+-level article sheds light on ways to take part in environmental issues, through the eyes of a teenage Native American boy very committed to ecology. As well as A2+ activities, we have suggested some B1 extensions and videos for use with mixed-level or more advanced classes.

This is  an excellent topic for an EPI « Transition écologique et développement durable », « Information, communication, citoyenneté » or « Sciences, technologie et société ». Other subjects involved: Biology (SVT - adopter un comportement éthique et responsable), Geography (4: espaces transformés par la mondialisation, la révolution industrielle) and Education aux médias et à l’information (produire, communiquer, partager des informations).

See our Eco-Warrior Webpicks for suggested online videos on why and how Xiuhtezcatl Martinez became an eco-warrior. We've given suggestions for observing how he addresses an audience, and on working with images on the topic of being Native American in the modern U.S.A.


  • ecology and environmental issues, activism


  • simple past and simple present
  • complex sentences
  • verb-ING: the gerund form

Articles for Class Use
SN_BRN_logoThere are articles about two other young environmental activists
in the Banque de ressources anglais cycle 4 appropriate for A1+, A2 and B1-level pupils. To see the resources, download them or use them online, register now or log in to the Banque de ressources anglais cycle 4 then go to:
Articles de presse > A1+, A2, B1 > Transition écologique et développement durable >
"A Young Canadian Environmental Activist"
"The Ocean Clean Up"

Celebrate See the related news
> Free Ecology Poster
Ready to Use Downloadable resources ready to use in class
> Protesting for Change