LLCER: Your Choice of New Works for Terminale 2025?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 03 May 2024 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

There are a few changes in the LLCER Terminale set texts list for 2024-2026 and we’re wondering which of the new works you’re planning to work on, so we can plan our publishing schedule for associated Reading Guides.  Which is your priority between Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah  and Jane Campion’s … Continue reading “LLCER: Your Choice of New Works for Terminale 2025?”

Our West Side Story Reading Guide Has Arrived

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 19 February 2024 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

If you are studying the 1961 film of West Side Story with your LLCER 1ère students, our Reading Guide will help them analyse key scenes, explore the background and inspiration to the work, and different iterations of this story of star-crossed lovers. West Side Story is a 20th century retelling of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet set … Continue reading “Our West Side Story Reading Guide Has Arrived”

New Reading Guides

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 04 May 2021 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Two more Reading Guides for LLCER Terminale are available: Paul Auster’s novel Moon Palace and Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. Our Reading Guide collection helps you and your students get the most out of their set books with background information, extensive extracts and guided activities to help them understand and analyse the works. … Continue reading “New Reading Guides”

Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain

Posted by Speakeasy News > Monday 03 August 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

If you’re teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain this year, you haven’t had a lot of time to prepare. The curriculum was published too late for textbooks to be prepared for it. But we can help: check out our companion site for suggestions and lesson plans to use Shine Bright LLCER with AMC classes. Already on … Continue reading “Teaching LLCER anglais monde contemporain”

Et si on parlait du Grand oral ?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Friday 26 June 2020 > Pedagogy

Vos élèves de Terminale seront les premiers à passer le Grand oral en 2021. Comment les aider à préparer l’épreuve ? Un mini-site dédié est déjà en ligne et sera alimenté régulièrement. Pour vous accompagner vers la préparation et la réussite de cette nouvelle épreuve du “Grand oral”, Nathan s’est associé à Olivier Jaoui, directeur de … Continue reading “Et si on parlait du Grand oral ?”

LLCER: quelles oeuvres pour vos Terminales ?

Posted by Speakeasy News > Thursday 18 June 2020 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Lycée

Vous avez été nombreux lors de notre webinar pour la spécialité LLCER de demander le programme limitatif d’oeuvres intégrales pour la Terminale. La liste a été publiée au BO du 21 mai 2020. Quelles oeuvres pensez-vous étudier avec vos élèves l’année prochaine ? Le programme de LLCER précise que 3 œuvres intégrales, dont 2 œuvres littéraires … Continue reading “LLCER: quelles oeuvres pour vos Terminales ?”