If you are teaching LLCER Anglais, monde contemporain next year, you should be receiving your specimen copy of Shine Bright AMC right around now. And to find out more, you can watch the replay of the 12 May webinar where two of the authors presented the book. Thank you to the many teachers who participated! … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: Shine Bright AMC Webinar”
Two more Reading Guides for LLCER Terminale are available: Paul Auster’s novel Moon Palace and Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. Our Reading Guide collection helps you and your students get the most out of their set books with background information, extensive extracts and guided activities to help them understand and analyse the works. … Continue reading “New Reading Guides”
To continue accompanying you and your students as they prepare for the Grand oral, there will be another free webinar on the subject on 11 May, this time focusing on giving the prepared presentation and exchanging with the jury. Mission Grand oral author Olivier Jaoui will also answer pupils’ questions. Webinar: “Réussir son exposé, la … Continue reading “A New Webinar on the Grand Oral for Your Students”
Your students no doubt have lots of questions about the Grand oral. Why not suggest they watch the replay of this webinar for lots of practical tips, and to ask questions? It was given by Olivier Jaoui, who is in charge of the collection Mission Grand oral. It took place on Wednesday 17 March. You can … Continue reading “Webinar Replay on the Grand Oral”
Rendez-vous sur le site compagnon du futur manuel Shine Bright AMC pour trois sujets type bac utilisables pour le contrôle continu, un pour chaque thématique du programme de Terminale. Avec l’annulation des épreuves et le passage au contrôle continu, les auteurs de Shine Bright AMC ont voulu proposer ces 3 sujets clé en main et … Continue reading “Sujets type bac clé en main pour la spécialité AMC”
We know from your messages that you’ve been waiting for them… Our first two film guides in the Reading Guide series, Much Ado About Nothing and 12 Angry Men, are now available, as is Jane Eyre. Our film guides accompany students as they watch the film, and provide them with skills for film analysis as … Continue reading “New Reading Guides Available”
We know many of you are patiently waiting for our Reading Guides for the books and films on the LLCER Terminale curriculum. We are going as fast as we can to produce them. To help you while you’re waiting, here is a sneak peak of the guide for Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Scroll down … Continue reading “The Handmaid’s Tale: Sneak Peek”
Thank you to our many readers who answered our questionnaire on the works you plan to study with your students in LLCER Terminale. And the winners are… Our authors are busy preparing Reading Guides for the most popular works to help your students. Coming in November, two novels and two films: Dystopian novel The Handmaid’s … Continue reading “Reading Guides LLCER Terminale”
Our last two Reading Guides for the LLCE Première reading list are now available: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. You can flip through extracts by following these links: Of Mice and Men The Importance of Being Earnest The links, audios and videos are available … Continue reading “Steinbeck and Wilde: Reading Guides”
Vos élèves de Terminale seront les premiers à passer le Grand oral en 2021. Comment les aider à préparer l’épreuve ? Un mini-site dédié est déjà en ligne et sera alimenté régulièrement. Pour vous accompagner vers la préparation et la réussite de cette nouvelle épreuve du “Grand oral”, Nathan s’est associé à Olivier Jaoui, directeur de … Continue reading “Et si on parlait du Grand oral ?”