Our new collection, Reading Guides anglais, lets you introduce collège and seconde learners to reading fiction in English. Each one contains extensive extracts of a popular work of fiction and lots of teaching tools to help pupils understand. On 12 June, two guide authors discussed how to use fiction in the classroom in a short, … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: Introducing Fiction to Younger Learners Replay”
Last year, we started a new collection of Reading Guides to help you introduce your pupils to reading fiction in English in collège and seconde. Our latest title is about to arrive in bookshops: Matilda by Roald Dahl! Matilda was born from the vivid imagination of one of the world’s best-loved and most-read children’s authors: … Continue reading “Matilda Reading Guide”
In our series “Your Students Have Talent”, check out these amazing comic strips created as an intermediate task by pupils using our Reading Guide Gangsta Granny. The 4e Euro students were studying David Walliam’s humourous novel and were tasked with creating an illustrated version of the scene where the protagonist Ben discovers a biscuit tin … Continue reading “Your Students Have Talent! Gangsta Granny”
Many of you have told us you would like to introduce your younger pupils to reading fiction in English, in collège and seconde. So, we put our heads together with some teachers who already do reading projects in English. The result is our new Reading Guides anglais. Two first titles are in shops now! Getting … Continue reading “Reading Time”
If you teach in a European Section and your pupils have history as their DNL subject, your history teacher colleagues will want to know about our new digital text book for DNL History in première. It will be available for the new school year but they can find out all about it by watching the … Continue reading “Meet the Authors: History 1re DNL Webinar”