Some pupils' comic strips inspired by the Readnig Guide Gangsta Granny, which is also in the image.

Your Students Have Talent! Gangsta Granny

Posted by Speakeasy News > Tuesday 20 February 2024 > Pedagogy Shine Bright Collège

In our series "Your Students Have Talent", check out these amazing comic strips created as an intermediate task by pupils using our Reading Guide Gangsta Granny.

The 4e Euro students were studying David Walliam's humourous novel and were tasked with creating an illustrated version of the scene where the protagonist Ben discovers a biscuit tin of jewels in his granny's kitchen -- which definitely doesn't fit with his image of a boring grandmother who only plays Scrabble and eats cabbage at every meal!

Congratulations to Elena, Philippine, Faustine and Camille from Maison de l'éducation de la Légion d'honneur in St-Germain-en-Laye for their fabulous comic strips!

A comic strip of a scene from Gangsta Granny in Granny's kitchen.

A comic strip of a scene from Gangsta Granny in Granny's kitchen.

A comic strip of a scene from Gangsta Granny in Granny's kitchen.


A comic strip of a scene from Gangsta Granny in Granny's kitchen.

If you like working with long-form fiction with your pupils, check out our Reading Guides anglais collection.  The first two titles are Gangsta Granny by David Walliams and Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. Find out more about the collection and watch the collection director Corinne Escales walk you through using the Reading Guides in class. Our next title, Matilda by Roald Dahl, will be available in May. Watch this space! 

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