This three-minute film with no dialogue is a great basis of a discussion about Christmas with your classes. It also fits with the theme of being different, and starts in a boarding school. The premise is that Santa Claus started out at a school for extraordinary children, where as a child he slowly grew his … Continue reading “Short Christmas Film”
Christmas crackers are such an integral part of British Christmas dinner celebrations but do you know how they were invented? Hint: there’s a French connection. Enjoy our animated slideshow with your students from A2.
Many countries in Europe have instituted lockdowns with the aim of reducing coronavirus transmissions enough to allow their populations to have a semblance of a normal Christmas. In the U.S., the problem of family get-togethers is a whole month earlier, with Thanksgiving, which falls this year on Thursday 26 November. With COVID-19 infections spiking all … Continue reading “Thanksgiving Despite Coronavirus”
If you’d like to introduce your pupils to the annual African-American celebration Kwanzaa, from 26 December to 1 January, these articles, an audio sketch and festive music interactive can help you. This interactive feature from the Smithsonian has examples of celebration songs from different cultures in the U.S.A. and around the world. Click on number … Continue reading “Kwanzaa Webpicks”