34 years after the beginning of the saga, British author Ken Follett returns to Kingsbridge, an imaginary town in the south of England, with a fifth installment, The Armour of Light. With this book, Follett completes a period of more than 800 years, from the end of the Dark Ages to the time of the … Continue reading “The Armour of Light: Ken Follett returns to Kingsbridge”
William Morris was born into Victorian Britain in the throes of the Industrial Revolution. But the artist, architect and Socialist championed instead beautiful handmade objects he believed should be in every home. An exhibition in Roubaix explores his vision, from Pre-Raphaelite art to wallpaper, hand-printed books and political organisations. Morris was born into a wealthy … Continue reading “William Morris Father of Arts and Crafts”
In Shine Bright AMC File 19 A Tale of British Cities, we mentioned that Liverpool had been threatened with losing its UNESCO World Heritage status because of property develop plans in the historic heart of the city. On 21 July 2021, the announcement was made: UNESCO has stripped Liverpool of the status. And on 28th, … Continue reading “Liverpool Loses Unesco World Heritage Status”
The new robot exhibition at London’s Science Museum offers several videos on this motivating subject which can lead to work on science and technology, but also on human anatomy, modals and comparisons. The exhibition trailer doesn’t have any voiceover, just onscreen text. It points out that by looking at robots we question what it is … Continue reading “Robot Videos”